Half Cab Ski & Snowboarding School 由成立到今年踏入第10年,儘管我們知道各方面仍有進步空間,仍然多謝各位多年來的支持,給予我們很大的鼓勵和動力,並很感激遇上很多志同道合,一起付出汗水,一起進步的雪友。
曾經遙不可的夢想,當中遇上各種各樣的挫折及困難,在堅持與放棄之間的角力,最終在夥伴之間的努力與對滑雪教學的熱誠中,承蒙得到各方機構和單位支持及幫助之下,在2018年,一個籌備已久,對我們意義非凡的的夢想,Half Cab Japan Ski & Snowboarding School 正式在日本註冊成立, 並成為首間由香港開辦可考取國際滑雪教練資格認證的滑雪學校,希望之後繼續懷著謙卑之心,並藉著多年的教學經驗,為各位香港、台灣,國內及東南亞,喜歡滑雪的單板和雙板雪友,提供由正規官方授權的教學課程,並可透過有系統的專業訓練,考取各級教練資格。
Half Cab Ski & Snowboarding School was established 10 years ago. We are grateful for our friends and peers who helped us to come a long way in our ski and snowboarding journey.
It was a distant dream but now we have made it comes true – In 2018, we have founded Half Cab Japan Ski & Snowboarding School, it is the first snow school in Japan that provides ski and snowboard lessons together with instructor training courses and exams. Together with our years of alpine instructing experience, we strike to provide internationally recognized snowsports lessons and training for all levels. Whether you are a complete beginner or a rookie looking for further trainings and insights in snowsports, we are dedicated to provide the best for everyone.